The Son of No One

The Son of No One is a 2011 American crime thriller film written by Dito Montiel based on a book of the same name, written by Montiel. The film is Dito Montiels third collaboration with actor Channing Tatum.

In the present, Jonathan meets with a grown up Vinnie for the first time in years. Anonymous phone calls are being made to Jonathans home, whose wife receives them. This leads to an increasingly difficult relationship between Jonathan and Kerry. He has contact with Loren Bridges, the reporter who is trying to create a successful newspaper story out of the source material that has been leaked. At a dinner, Jonathan tries to convince her not to publish the story, but she refuses and leaves. Once she leaves the restaurant, she is followed by an unknown assailant and killed. Also, Kerry has received more calls, and Jonathan is forced to admit to her that he was responsible for the killings.The next morning, Jonathan learns of Lorens death before he receives a call from Captain Mathers who informs him that Jonathans partner is waiting for him outside. He is taken to Captain Mathers by his corrupt partner and Stanford. Stanford, whom he has not seen since he was a boy is with him. Mathers shows pictures taken of Jonathan and Loren in the restaurant before she was killed. Jonathan will potentially be framed as her killer, unless he cooperates, as they do not want the department to look bad. The men offer Jonathan the chance to go home and forget about everything that has been done, and they will take care of the situation. ........

Source: Wikipedia